Cinnamon Rituals: Welcoming January with Fresh Starts and Ancient Traditions


January holds significance as a month associated with new beginnings and the symbolism of a fresh start. An ancient ritual, observed on the 1st of January, involves incorporating cinnamon, a fall staple, to set the precedent for a successful year.

While cinnamon is well-known for its culinary uses, especially during this time of year, the ancient ritual suggests its application extends beyond the kitchen to the area around our front doors. The correlation between the front door and this fall spice may seem surprising, but according to spiritual figures, there is a meaningful connection.

The ritual is believed to carry effects that reach beyond the confines of the home, influencing experiences associated with the presence of cinnamon around the front door.

What Does Blowing Cinnamon On Your Front Door Do?

May Shorrock, a spiritual wellness expert at Burnt Beech, explains that the tradition of blowing cinnamon into the home at the start of the month signifies the commencement of a new cycle, making it an ideal time for positive beginnings. Many individuals choose to perform this ritual through their front door, aiming to attract abundance and prosperity throughout their entire home. Shorrock notes that the use of cinnamon in wealth-attracting rituals has a rich historical background spanning thousands of years.

Charlotte Bailey, an esoteric expert and metaphysical practitioner from Typically Topical, echoes the significance of cinnamon, describing it as a metaphysical practice that serves as a gateway between the internal and external worlds. By blowing cinnamon across the door, the ritual is seen as an invitation for prosperity and abundance to enter from the outer world into the home—the internal world.

While cinnamon is commonly valued for its culinary and garden uses, with benefits such as deterring gnats in soil and repelling ants in the kitchen, for others, its application in rituals carries a deeper, time-honored meaning.


The ritual is a straightforward practice involving taking a generous pinch of ground cinnamon, available at Walmart, in the palm of your hand and blowing it over your front door and into your entryway. While it is commonly performed on the first day of the month, Charlotte suggests that the ritual can be practiced at any point on the calendar. The abundance attracted through this practice is believed to manifest in various forms, such as new career opportunities, job promotions, financial windfalls, or new connections. However, the belief behind the ritual holds the utmost importance, and one’s faith in its ability to attract prosperity is considered crucial for its effectiveness.

While the ritual may not physically enhance the appearance of your front door, it is thought to positively influence the energy within your home, particularly when complemented by proper entryway feng shui teachings. In addition to inviting wealth and good luck, the ritual is said to aid in clearing out stagnant energy.

Practical advice for those trying the ritual includes leaving the cinnamon in place for a day or so before cleaning up, as the small amount is unlikely to cause harm. However, caution is advised if there are pets around, and cleaning with a handheld vacuum cleaner may be preferable. It is also recommended to avoid breathing in the cinnamon, as it can be unpleasant. Some experts suggest incorporating visualization techniques during the ritual, focusing the mind on specific areas of life that could benefit from growth and opportunities. Spiritualists also recommend verbalizing affirmations like ‘I welcome abundance into my home and life’ during the ritual.




tual involves blowing cinnamon into the home, symbolically inviting good luck, abundance, and wealth. Cinnamon, known for its festive scent and flavor, has been associated with abundance and utilized for centuries by Chinese spiritual practitioners.

For pet owners, it’s essential to exercise caution. May Shorrock refers to the ASPCA, which suggests that cinnamon is non-toxic to cats. However, she advises pet owners to be cautious during such rituals and recommends removing pets from the vicinity of strong aromatics.

If you’ve missed the opportunity to perform the ritual on December 1st, there’s no need to worry. You can still acquire cinnamon and prepare for the ritual, which can be performed again on January 1st.

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